
Thursday, April 14, 2011

T is for Turtle

before the SERFexperiment was created, seven people were given their animal counterparts. we believe that everyone has the ability to have a strong connection to some aspect of nature. whenever I am in the water and having a difficult time, or get pulled out of my comfort zone one of these little buddies show up, without fail. there is no doubt that the sea turtle is always looking out for me. 
so here is to everyone finding their connection to the natural world around us. happy Thursday family. 

stay strong my friend

photo: clark little

1 comment:

  1. is a bottle of whiskey a spirit animal?? hahaha ok, sorry, i just cracked myself up–simple minded pleasure..ahem, ok, i've always wondered what my spirit animal is...i haven't had a definitive experience with anyone creature. Nature is God, tho, and i feel wholly connected to her...peace serfers...
