
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Winna Round Two

Special HELL YAH goes out to Forrest Miller who left the comment...

Pidgeon said:


Friday, March 18, 2011

in memory

an ode to charging... hard.

throw a comment out and recieve a goodie from the SERF family! we're waiitng...

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Another gnarly 24 hours for the surf community as we hear of big wave charger 
Sion Milosky passing away. 
The SERF family wants to send out our love and prayers. 
Check out the surfer link to see just how big Sion went. 

Always In our thoughts.
SERF family

Friday, March 11, 2011


Pre tsunami of 2011 CC stepped outside his new digs on the north shore and discovered another world. this sight isn't uncommon but most nights simply get stored in the memory bank of sunsets to be replaced by another dusk of neon colors. this night was worth capturing. we urge you to pull out the camera more often and show the common phenomenons that surround us all.


Monday, March 7, 2011

A little laugh

With all the junk going on in the world and everyone being effected on a minutely basis, sometimes you just have to laugh at it all. 
That is exactly what this gas station did somewhere down in the hicks.  

Sunday, March 6, 2011


GoPro has been around since 2005. They are a Northern California-based team of inventors and athletes dedicated to making it easy to take pov video & photos during sports activities. 
GoPro has stepped up and is allowing the SERFexperiment to be affiliates of their program, so click on their link on the home page and be a HERO 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

100K please

Aloha SERF fam, 

Hope your Thursday is kick ass because tomorrow is Friday and that means surf surf surf. Something great you should check out is the grom super power Matt Meola coming out of Maui who just scored 100K for his section in Taylor Steeles Innersection. The movie might be long but take a second and check out SURFLINE (click the orange) and  tiny Meola's sweet section. 

dont forget to have a great day.